What to Expect at My Toddler’s Portrait Session | Frederick Child Photographer | Katie Ballantine Photography
When you think of your toddler’s upcoming portrait session, are you filled with joy and excitement… Or is it more like fear, anxiety, and breaking out in cold sweats?
As parents, I think we always tend to worry our little one won’t behave or won’t smile for the camera, or will drive the photographer crazy. Well, have no fear!
At Katie Ballantine Photography, toddler sessions are FUN. Yes, you read that correctly. Your little one may take a few moments to warm up, but the studio is a place where kids end up enjoying themselves.
We play with blocks, look out windows, dance, sing, and even play peek-a-boo!
If your little one loves to smile for the camera, then you’ll get plenty of those shots, but if not, your gallery will be full of giggles, playing shots, detail shots (lashes, curls, feet), snuggling lovies, and window gazing shots.
So, look forward to your session with me. You and your toddler will love the experience!