The Importance of a Milestone Session
One of the most common types of sessions that I book is newborns. Newborn photography sessions make a lot of sense, and I truly believe everyone should invest in one. A brand new baby is something to celebrate, and a professional can capture those memories in a beautiful and safe way.
So, if you have newborn pictures, then why invest in more pictures throughout the first year?
Why Have Multiple Sessions in a Year?
I tell my newborn parents this all the time when they ask what age is best for a newborn session. I always recommend they come in with their little baby between 1 and 2 weeks old. After this stage, your baby has changed so much.
Babies change so, so quickly, and by 3-4 weeks, they are awake a lot, following you around the room with their eyes, not as happy to be wrapped, and are even sometimes smiling! If this much change happens in just a few weeks, think of the changes that happen over a few months.

By 3 months old, your baby is likely a chunkier, larger, smilier version of the baby that showed up months before. You can start to see their little personalities, and they interact much more. 3 months is a really fun age to photograph, but vastly different than the newborn stage.

At 6 months old, some babies are rolling, sitting, grabbing their toes, and sometimes starting to crawl! They look so different from even the baby 3 months before that was starting to smile. 6 month olds can have the cutest laughs as well.

9 Month Old babies have come into my studio WALKING! Most are sitting and pulling up at this stage, which is really fun to photograph. They are babbling, laughing, and look so much older than their 6 month old selves.

The one year sessions are a wonderful milestone to capture as well. One-year-olds love to walk around my studio (or cruise on my furniture) and explore the windows and toys. Typically, their favorite part is the balloons and CAKE brought by their parents!

Babies change so much the first year, and I want my clients to have professional pictures at each of these adorable stages. Making an album at the end of the year is also a great way to have these memories in print form to look at with your children as they get older.
Reach out if you’re ready to set up a milestone session!